Intimacy is more than a three letter word;
it is drawing close to another human being in a way that two meld into one
including soul and spirit. This kind of intimacy is not cultivated in bed, but
in time spent together enjoying all facets of life. This article presents seven
tips on how to establish an everlasting bond with the love of your life and
experience greater romance beyond the bed.
Practice Active Listening
The first tip to experiencing
lifelong intimacy is to practice active listening. Active listening is engaging
your whole being in the process of hearing and understanding the heart of your
mate. For some it may mean taking notes in order to remain focused. For others,
it will mean repeating back what was said and asking clarifying questions to
make sure you received the message your lover wanted to convey. Experiencing
romance beyond the bed starts with active listening.
Go on Date Nights
The second tip for experiencing
lifelong intimacy is establishing a regular date night. Once a week or every
other week, set time aside to get away for time to catch up. The blazing and
dazzling of everyday life can be deafening and drain energy for connecting.
Just taking special time to share a nice meal and talk together over coffee can
make help extend the romance beyond the bed.
Take Periodic Vacations
Intimacy is established through
emotional connections; so a third tip to experiencing romance beyond the bed is
to take extended trips together. The duration of each trip is not as important
as being together and getting lost in the excursion together. Find out what his
or her ultimate one day, three day, and two week vacations are and make
reservations to go there or do that. Don't be afraid or too macho to pour
yourself into whatever is involved in such an excursion. Exotic foods, scary
rides, unexpected surprises all help to form those intimate bonds that extend
the romance beyond the bed.
Do the Hard Things with Them
Life is filled with many
disappointments and frightening moments; therefore the fourth tip to greater
intimacy is to do the hard things with your mate. Go to the hospital; go with
them when they need to receive or share bad news; clean the house when they are
down with the flu; take time off for back to school nights, parent teacher
association meetings(PTA), or when moving a child to college. If you want to
experience romance beyond the bed, do the hard things with the love of your
Pray with Them
The fifth tip for lifelong
intimacy is to pray with your spouse or mate as much as possible. There is no
greater activity to establish a deep connection with another person than to
form a spiritual bond. Spiritual bonds go to the very core of a person's being.
Praying together about all the cares of life will ignite a fire that kindles
until death do you part, if you want to experience romance beyond the bed,
spend time praying with your lover.
Take Walks Together
Taking slow walks together is
another tip for cultivating lifelong intimacy. Taking slow walks together gives
another opportunity to share time together and talk and grow closer together.
Hold Hands with Each Other
Holding hands together while
walking together or sitting on the couch watching television is a seventh tip
for establishing lifelong intimacy. Somehow holding hands together creates an
extra sense of interdependence and the desire to be one together. It also seems
to melt away any fear or apprehension that allows each person to be more
transparent and vulnerable with their lover.
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